Vitamin Injections
Shots & IV Drips

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Vitamin Injections

Why do we use Vitamin Injection instead of taking it orally?
Some vitamins are best utilized when they bypass the digestive systems. That’s because some people have barriers in the gastrointestinal tract which prevent adequate absorption.
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Overview of IV Drips

IV nutrient infusion formulas are used to deliver vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream. Offering superior absorption over oral supplements. We offer several IV formula solutions to address a variety of issues including:

Meyers' Cocktail

The “Gold Standard” for delivering intravenous vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream. Dr. John Myers pioneered this use of intravenous nutrient therapy in the 1960's. The Meyers' Cocktail may help with

· Immunity boosting
· Preventative therapy for cold + flu season
· Reduction of fatigue
· Sports performance
· Hangover remedy

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Migraine Relief

Get quick relief from the debilitating pain, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound that migraines can cause.

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Signature Timeless Beauty

Radiant beauty from the inside out

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Inner Beauty

Fight Acne, Wrinkles, and tired skin from the inside out

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Minimize bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort, and lower back pain.

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Get -Up-and-Go

Burn fat, feel energized, and boost your metabolism

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Boost your immune system + feel better faster

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Ease hangover headache, nausea, and dehydration

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Recovery & Performance

Decrease recovery time & enhance your performance

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Hydrate + Combat fatigue

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Vitamin Shots

Studies reveal that over 90 percent of people are deficient in at least one or more nutrients. The most common nutritional deficiencies are vitamins D and B12, iron, calcium, vitamins C, E, and A, fiber, and potassium. Whether you are looking to support your immune system, boost your energy, improve your metabolism, and/or regulate your sleep cycles and mood. It’s easier for our bodies to absorb liquid vitamins better than their counterpart, pills. A regular vitamin shot can help you achieve these goals.

Biotin (B7) Beauty Shot

Biotin is also known as vitamin B7, this key nutrient is needed to maintain healthy metabolic, nerve, digestive, and cardiovascular functions. Biotin also helps us keep a young and attractive appearance as it plays a role in maintaining the health of our skin, hair, and nails.
Many people consume Biotin (B7) in their daily foods and as a supplement, it is commonly taken orally. Here at Timeless Injectables, we offer Biotin administered as an intramuscular injection. Receiving your Biotin this way, versus orally, helps the body absorb it at a higher and quicker rate, so you will feel the effects much quicker.
Being deficient in Biotin is noticeable in many ways. Biotin deficiency can cause dry or irritated skin, brittle nails, digestive issues, decreased energy and mood, mood instability and many other symptoms. The benefits by receiving Biotin at a concentrated dose will help alleviate these symptoms.
The great health benefits of Biotin include:
• Supporting a healthy metabolism
• Improving glucose intolerance and balancing blood sugar
• Maintaining healthy Hair, Skin and Nails
• Protects brain health and cognitive decline
• Cardiovascular system benefits
• Supports Thyroid and Adrenal Function
• Aides in building and repairing muscles and tissues
To reap the benefits of this great vitamin, visit Timeless Injectables for a vitamin shot today!

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Tri-Immune Boost

Tri-Immune Boost is a power packed immunity blend made up of Glutathione, Ascorbic Acid, and Zinc. This high concentration of immune boosting essentials is the ultimate in immune system enhancer to help maintain a healthy immune response
• Ascorbic Acid supports cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system
• Zinc Sulfate plays a role in the development + function of immune processes
• Glutathione protects host immune cells + provides optimal functioning of the other cells in the immune system

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Lipo-Mino Mix

Fat Burning + Energy + Appetite Suppressant
• Pyridoxine: Promotes red blood cell production + converts food to energy
• Methionine: Helps break down sugars & carbohydrate and convert to energy
• Inositol: Converts food to energy
• Choline: Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy
• Cyanocobalamin: Energy, healthy nerve cells
• L-Carnitine: Building blocks for proteins, helps body burn fat as fuel
• Thiamine: Improves immune system, helps convert fat & carbohydrates into energy
• Riboflavin: Increased metabolism, suppresses appetite

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Skinny Shot

Combines the benefits of B12 + Lipo-Mino Mix

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• Protects cells from free radical damage
• Improves cellular function
• Aids in recovery process
• Acts as a universal toxin-binder

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CoQEnzyme 10

Protects the heart and slows aging
• “Super Antioxidant”
• Boost immune support
• Aids with muscle recovery
• Antioxidant that helps reduce damage caused by free radicals
• Sustain natural energy

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